Saturday, July 21, 2012

Can This Be Real?

I simply cannot ignore the story that have been coming to light from Colorado - yet another case in which someone has taken it upon themselves to change the lives of others - either by taking their life, or changing how they will forever live.

As you read this story, I ask you to keep these individuals as well as their families in your thoughts.  This shooting is so hard to take in and I wonder how might I have responded if I were in this same situation?  My hope is that one day, we will not longer have these stories.  Sadly, however, history has demonstrated that over and over again this will continue to occur.  Violence crosses all nations, religious practices, socio-economic levels, all educational levels as well as all languages.  As an athletic trainer, you may, unfortunately, be in a situation such as this, or may be helping people in the after-math of a tragedy.  No educational program can prepare one for such an event, rather, we should all remember that we will provide treatment, care and friendship to many and for now I ask that you contemplate on what role you can have to ensure these types of stories never happen again.


  1. Truly a horrific and senseless act! The families involved in this event will certainly be in my thoughts and I will do my best to project positive intentions for them. The AT in me would naturally want to attend to and care for the injured patrons within the theater that evening. I know most people within the AT program do not share my views on certain things (which is perfectly ok), so without getting into to much detail, my presence in the theater would have slightly balanced the scales. Above all, I hope that anyone I know never has to endure something this catastrophic.

  2. The worst part is the shooter is going to Plead insanity and he will not get the sentence he truly deserves. my thoughts and prayers are with the families of all the victims
