Recently, my daughter came home from school and identified she had been 'dress coded' as what she was wearing did not meet the school's policy for dress code. At first, I didn't think much of it, however, upon deeper reflection I began to ponder the notion of the school's dress code. I went to my school district's website and found the Student/Parent Handbook. Within this document I was able to find the dress code. When I reviewed it, I was quite surprised as it seems this policy is rather sexist as well as culturally insensitive. I looked a bit more in social media to see what others had posted and came across this great video a teenager had created - I am not a distraction. I urge you to click on the link and view.
I think we can all assume there is a viable cultural norm with regard to how one would dress professionally. For the profession of athletic trainers, we joke of the notorious khaki pants, collared shirt, sneakers. Know, as well, each of us will be judged and stereotyped based upon first impressions we make. This by no means is correct and does not affirm who we are, what our values are or how well trained we are to provide care to our patients. I hope each of you are strong in your sense of yourself as all will be judged countless times throughout one's life. I didn't realize, however, until my daughter came home from school, judgement would begin so early in life!
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