Monday, September 15, 2014

Run Like a Girl

After I watched this video, I became more acutely aware of the phrase 'like a girl' and its' negative impact it may have on girls.  As a mother of two young girls, I began to wonder if I 'buy into' the negative notion the phrase 'like a girl' can have; or am I rather, a role model demonstrating that 'like a girl' is both powerful and positive.

During this very tumultuous time with so much information being placed in front of both our boys and girls in regard to social media, my hope is that we can begin to rebuild the idea of 'like a girl' and for that matter 'like a boy' to our children.  It seems much of what we carry into our adult lives were imprinted upon us when we were children. Sometimes this is good, and at other times this can be bad. We need to work at teaching both boys and girls what it means to be kind and respectful to others as well as building their own self-esteem, self-efficacy and confidence.  Growing up can already be a difficult thing; I don't want to add more difficulty for my children.  I hope I teach my girls  'like a girl' is a badge of honor and they should wear it proudly!

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